U.S. Presidential Elections Section Overview


The enhanced U.S. Presidential Elections section can be accessed under Resources on the new main navigation menu, available by clicking the menu icon from the top left of any page. The section can also be accessed from the home page, under Featured Resources. 


The index page lists all U.S. presidential elections back to 1940, with at-a-glance overview information for each contest. You can filter the page by decade. The landing pages for each election can also be accessed via search; they are returned as Recommended results and are also directly accessible via Search Assist.


The landing page for each election provides a gateway for in-depth research. Relevant material is conveniently organized into tabs for News (articles), Media (videos, photographs, News Media Roundups), Primary Sources, and Reference (Research Features, Newsmaker Profiles). Users can narrow the results on the  tabs by content type, and can also sort the content on each tab, by date or by title.



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