NewsEdge Editorials Newsfeed Overview


The World News Digest now includes an editorial newsfeed featuring current newspaper editorials, many from international sources, via NewsEdge.

The newspaper editorials can be accessed via basic and advanced search. On the search results page, click the Editorials tab for the results. 


When using advanced search, the NewsEdge feed is included in the default "All Results" option.  You can also elect to search the feed on its own, or with other selected content types, by using the check boxes.


The Editorials search results tab offers specialized filters.  Users can filter the results by date range (In the Past Week, Past Month, Past 90 Days, or Past Year) and also by the Source.  Please note the site's other date filter selections do not apply to this content.


The articles can be printed, but because NewsEdge is a dynamic website, content cannot be saved permanently.

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